Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Legacy at Studio

Describe your internship engagement:

This afternoon I made more contact sheets for the PR department. Usually on Wednesdays all of the interns are there so it's hard to keep us all busy. Somehow I managed. I think this is because I was willing to do really tedious work, just for the sake of staying busy. My biggest project was cleaning off the work table in the PR section of the office. It was piled pretty high with programs from previous performances, newspapers, promotion and marketing materials, food, photos, and other miscellaneous items that had collected. It took me about an hour or so but I got the table completely cleared. In the process of doing so, I had to make sure that all of the departments that needed copies had enough programs before I dumped them in recycling. This gave me a chance to walk around and talk to people which is nice. Interaction is fun. So at this point my lasting legacy in the PR department is a clean work space. I think the fridge in the break room is coming up pretty soon too.

My other super exciting job was taking out the mail. Doing errands isn't so bad because I get to leave the office and go for a short walk. 

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